For sustainable transport:
Journey with us into the net zero economy.


Helrom enables freight transportation for the net zero economy

For the transformation to the carbon-neutral economy, we need better transportation concepts – all this without financial and technological hurdles. Helrom offers the infrastructure and the service with which net zero transportation can now be made a reality.
Calculate your CO2e reduction
Every time you use the Helrom Trailer Rail for transportation, you reduce your environmental impact.
CO2e savings
per year
CO2e road
per year
CO2e train
per year

Are you interested in the Helrom transport service for block trains or open trains? Then get in touch with us. We will be happy to advise you.

Responsibility for the future

Time is of the essence

The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has been rising since 1990. Global annual emissions are around 50 gigatons, or 50 billion tons per year. The consequences of climate overheating have long since become part of our everyday lives: Extreme weather, drought and global conflicts. More and more people want change and expect swift action. People, companies and politicians - we all have a shared responsibility for the future.

Net Zero Economy

The necessary action means ambitious targets. Europe should be climate-neutral by 2050 and, by 2030, at least 55 percent of greenhouse gases should be saved compared to 1990. For this progress to be achieved, a change to sustainable business practices is urgently required. The net zero economy is the way to a world in which our climate can reach an equilibrium.


The annual carbon emissions per capita in Germany amounted to 7.7 tons in 2020.


Truck transport accounts for the largest share of freight traffic – 74 per cent of road freight traffic is truck trailers.

Carbon-factor transportation

Global cycle of goods

A society based on the division of labor is highly networked, supported by an agile and flexible transport industry. Our standard of living is based on a continuous cycle of goods, merchandise and industrial components. So far, their transportation has mainly taken place on the road.

However, road traffic causes 20 percent of all CO₂ emissions. Truck transportation accounts for the largest share of freight traffic – 74 percent of road freight traffic is accounted for by truck trailers.

Traffic turnaround means shifting transportation

Rail has a significantly better energy balance. In order to achieve the European climate targets, significantly more freight transport should therefore be shifted to rail. However, only 2 percent of all truck trailers currently travel by rail. Technological and financial barriers to an intermodal combination of road and rail are to blame.

The Helrom train causes only 10% of the climate-damaging emissions compared to road traffic.

Our mission:
Net Zero Transport

The intermodal problems of the past consist of too few and expensive centralised special terminals for loading, often far away from the shippers. There is a lack of reliable offers that meet customer requirements.

Helrom Trailer Rail eliminates the need for expensive terminals – for SMEs as well as for industrial supply chains. Helrom decentralises and accelerates the switch from road to rail.

Innovative and


The globally patented technology of the Helrom trailer wagon enables the barrier-free loading of truck trailers. The pivoting loading pocket allows trailers to be loadad onto the rail within two minutes. A terminal is not required for this. A level ground next to the track is sufficient.

More about our technology


A better type of rail transport

With our transport service for truck trailers, greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion can be significantly reduced – with flexibility, reliability and operating costs that are comparable to road transport.

More about our service


We want to make a difference

Reliability, safety, sustainability – from the train driver to the management, we have set ourselves clear principles. We work for better freight transport that is not only CO₂-neutral, but also faster and more reliable.

More about our team